Electronic – Damage logger by removing LED from circuit?


I have this data logger that we are using for temperature and rotation measurements. Unfortunately it came with an LED, which we need to get rid of for our study.

I really don't know much about circuits, so I was wondering:

  1. Can I just remove that LED by breaking it off, without damaging the other parts in the circuit?
  2. What is there to consider doing it?
  3. Could removing it, in any way, influence the sensors on the board?

Also, I know that those logger can be equipped with light sensors. Is there any way that this Led is in fact one of those sensors? In that case I really don't want to loose it.


Edit: Here are better pictures
enter image description here

enter image description here

Unfortunately, I don't have the schematic.

Best Answer

  1. Yes you could break it off, but that can lead to broken traces. It be smarter to just cut the trace going to or from it. An exacto knife works great. Alternatively you should desolder it, or the resistor going to it.

  2. Without a schematic, it's just an educated guess, but, no it shouldn't. I'm assuming the via on the left of the LED is Ground, and the LED only used as a simple status light.

  3. It's possible, but unlikely. LEDs can detect light too, but there are better ways of doing it. Is the LED lit when the module is powered? Then it likely isn't being used as a sensor.

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