Electronic – DC Motor + 9 V battery + 270 ohm resistor = Nothing (Motor won’t turn)

dc motorresistors

I'm trying to wire up a DC motor to a 9-volt battery with a resistor in between, and the motor just won't turn. It works if I connect the motor directly to the battery, but not with the resistor in between. Why is this?

  • Motor: 1.5-volt DC motor.*
  • Resistor: 270 ohm. (Red-Violet-Brown-Gold) (Because it's what I had laying around)
  • Battery: Normal 9-volt battery.

* I'll try to find more specific details, like a datasheet, when I get home. Unfortunately, I don't have the motor with me while I'm typing this question.

More specifically, I am trying to create something like this circuit:

The circuit I'm trying to make

With the intention of, when the switched is flipped, the motor changes direction. However, when I make this circuit, the motor doesn't spin, so in troubleshooting, I reduced it down to a single resistor, the motor, and the battery, with no switch or direction-changing, but the motor still doesn't spin.

Best Answer

As Ignacio said, use a DPDT switch in an H-Bridge configuration. Also, you are just wasting power using resistors. Change to a 1.5V battery and you don't need a resistor.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

For a variation on your circuit, you could use two 1.5V batteries and stick with your SPDT switch:


simulate this circuit

The resistors you are using are not only wasting power, but they are also limiting the current too much so that the motor will not turn.

If you must use a 9V battery, you could use a smaller value resistor per Saidoro's suggestion and put it in series with the motor. Then either use the DPDT circuit above, or the SPDT circuit with two 9V batteries.