Electronic – DC to DC converter: How to convert 110 Vdc to 5 Vdc with 2.5 Amps current

buckcircuit-designdc/dc convertervoltage

I am new in circuit designing and want to design a circuit for a DC to DC converter. Input voltage is \$V_i\$=110 VDC ,wheras output dc volatage is \$V_o\$=5 V with \$I_o\$=2.5 Amps current . So can anybody tell me how can I do it?

Best Answer

The easiest solution is to buy it online.

But if you want to learn how to make it for $8 plus board and h/w costs login to TI.com (free) use the webench designer. choose 100Vin 5V 2.5Aout and in seconds you can choose the best design, With BOM board layout, costs and simulation in seconds.

I did it and exported the Eagle library.zip file here

If you choose MOSFET for suffient voltage a drop >15V to the chip with a Zener it will then work for 115Vdc in

IN Webench, you choose then [open design] for this.

enter image description here

Read datasheet for design details.