Electronic – Decoupling capacitor size per datasheet


The datasheet for the SN64LVDS31 specifies to use 0805 decoupling capacitors (page 8):

image from datasheet

This seems awfully large. I typically use 0603 or 0402. Should I interpret this to mean a maximum size of 0805, or is there a valid reason to not go smaller?

Best Answer

The datasheet is from 2011. The part may be even older.

Back in 2011, or when the datasheet was first made, a 0805 capacitor was typical size and good enough for decoupling. But we can't really know the reason behind the suggestion because there is nothing that specifies why that is the suggestion.

A ceramic capacitor with smaller size has lower inductance which is better, but it may also have worse effective capacitance at the rated voltage. So if you are going to change the physical size or material of the capacitor, make sure the new capacitor is equal or better than the original.