Electronic – Define input current of Op-Amp

bjtcurrent measurementfetinputoperational-amplifier

I haven't done and studies in Op-Amp category yet but I watched a (trusted) video on Youtube and one thing is not quite logical as the next sentence: "No current flows in or out of the inputs of operational amplifier", as says Dave Jones from EEVblog on Youtube (this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FYHt5XviKc).

So, I am wondering if he meant like there is a really small amount of current flowing in op-amp on the inputs, or there isn't any of current on inputs at all?

I am sure there must be at least some current on inputs (for base if BJT or for gate if FET/MOSFET for sure).

enter image description here

Best Answer

Well spotted! There is an input current, but it can be really small. It's usually specified as "bias current" in the datasheet. For older parts it'll be some number of microamperes. For specially designed JFET inputs for instrumentation amps, it can be as small as femtoamperes, which are really hard to measure. (The part mentioned is the LPC662 which claims 2fA input current!).

For normal analysis purposes you ignore it, but it can matter when you're trying to amplify a small signal.