Electronic – Development Board / Micro-controller with an onboard camera or external addon


I wanted to use a micro-controller with a camera module to be able to do some processing on the captured images. The Arduino was my choice, but since it has only 256K of Flash memory, it clearly is not a good candidate, I scoured Google to find relevant posts, but decided the Arduino is not the best tool. The closest Arduino came was with http://jarv.org/sdcam.shtml, using an SD card to store the images.

I stumbled across Leapord Board: http://designsomething.org/leopardboard/default.aspx, it has an onboard camera, unfortunately documentation and sample code is really scare for this.

Can someone recommend a good micro-controller that can allow me to use a standalone camera and perform simple processing on it? And more importantly has an active community, sample codes already available?

Would appreciate any thoughts!

EDIT: The ability to use a regular camera and process those images would be great if possible. I would assume this would be done via a USB interface, so the micro-controller has to be able to act as a USB host.

Best Answer

This is one thing I could find.... http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10549 It might not be exactly what you want, but Sparkfun is glad to help and answers quite quickly. The community will also help you if you need much help. Most of what you need in that kit is already included (From what I can see). If I find any more I will edit this answer.