Electronic – Difference between 0-18V and -9V – +9V

negative-voltagepower supplyvoltage

What is the principle of the difference between a supply which provides 0-18V and +9V and -9V?

If I am using a circuit which takes a +/-9V power supply, and instead start powering it with 2 9v batteries, is there a fundamental difference in the supply, or is it just a verbal one?

Best Answer

In this case BAT1 has at the plus side 18 V, and at the BAT2 minus side 0 V, because GND is connected there.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Below, the GND is in between the batteries, so on either side the difference is 9V, resulting in +9V at the + side of BAT1 and -9V at the - side of BAT2.


simulate this circuit