Electronic – Display large decimal number using seven segments display


I have a 8bit value on the output of ADC. I need to show this number on 3 seven segment displays. How to do it? I'm working in Multisim 11.0.

You can see a scheme of ADC that I have:

enter image description here

Two blue schemes on the right converts BCD to value on the displays and it works correct while value less then 9. But when it is bigger, displays show wrong value.

P.S.: This Question has as one of the answers the link to the DM9368 Data Sheet, but is seems that there is no such scheme in Multisim.

P.P.S.: In fact, I need only 6 bits if number to display values from 0 to 64.

Best Answer

Since the output of your ADC is binary and you need BCD to drive the BCD to 7- segment display drivers, you'll need a binary to BCD converter between the ADC output and the seven-segment drivers.

One way to do the conversion in hardware is to load the ADC output into an 8 bit binary down counter and, at the same time, clear three BCD up counters.

Then, using the same clock for all of the counters, simultaneously clock all the counters. When the binary counter counts down to zero, stop the clock/disable the counters and - VOILA! - the ADC's output, in BCD, will be held in the up counters' Q outputs.

Like this:

enter image description here