Electronic – Do the capacitors on the picture look broken


I have here a CD player's board (the player is from 80s, Gründig CD 30), the player works OK first 10 seconds, after that there is loud noise (sound is still possible to recognize but is very very cracky). The capacitors [on the picture] look somehow strange to me, particularly those orange spots. Could it be the symptom of broken capacitor?

thanks for the answers, the capacitors are really not broken, with no adjustments I assembled the player and the problem is gone, no noise at all. Mystic. So those orange spots seem to be some kind of glue. Thanks for the answers once again.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Those do not look broken. Generally electrolytic capacitors will have scored lines so that if they do break, the lines will pop due to internal pressure.

The orange bit does seem funky but I would probably write it off as some of that gunc used to hold the capacitors down.