Electronic – Does a “Buck Step Down Voltage Regulator” provide constant output voltage regardless of input voltage


I've got a small solar cell panel rated at 20V on a good sunny day. I need to regulate this down to 13.8V to charge a lead battery.

Can I use a "Buck Step Down Voltage Regulator" for this? I'm uncertain about whether the regulator will provide 13.8V regardless of input voltage, or if it just provides an output voltage relative to the input voltage.

Specifically, I'm looking at an LM2596 regulator.

Best Answer

A quick look at your part on Ebay and the chip datasheet (thanks, @whatsisname) suggests that it has a regulated adjustable output. So yes, if you set it for 13.5V it will hold to that voltage.

Provided that you don't violate the input requirements. A buck converter can only ever put out a lower voltage than the input; so you have to make sure the input voltage never falls below ~14V in order to guarantee the 13.5V output. You say your solar panel is rated at 20V on a "good day". What panel output do you get on a "bad day"? If it falls below ~14V you'll probably have problems charging your battery.