Electronic – Does a clamping current specification under Absolute Maximum Ratings imply that less current is OK


I have an application where I want many small signal relays driven by an I/O expander chip. In this case, I have selected the Microchip MCP23017 (Datasheet) as an I2C to GPIO expander. I have also selected low-current reed relays with the intent that I drive the relays directly from the I/O pin. (5mA coil current, 24mA I/O current). Normally, with a relay, I would expect to use a clamping diode across the coil to protect the output device – this is standard practice. However, I noticed this bit in the datasheet of the expander, where the absolute maximum clamp current is specified:

Excerpt from Datasheet Absolute Maximum Ratings, Page 27

With my coil current of 5mA, I'm not close to the maximum rating, which to me, suggests that I'm OK with omitting the normal external clamp diode. However, nowhere else in the datasheet is the clamping current mentioned, which (again, to me) suggests that the internal diodes should not be used during normal operation.

Do I play it safe and put in the external clamping diode, or do I assume that if it's less than the Absolute Maximum Ratings, it's safe?

Best Answer

Absolute maximum specs are only to not damage the chip. They do not guarantee correct operation. I would not try to extrapolate from absolute maximum to normal operating.

My advice is to add a small Schottky diode for each relay. You need very little voltage and current capability, so a phyisically small diode should do it.

Clamping current is a area where it is a especially bad idea to be a test pilot. There are various topologies for dealing with clamping current, and some have more significant effect on normal operation than others. For example, old PICs like the 16F877 had a rather liberal clamping current spec and you could get away with a lot. Newer PICs have tightened down on the normal operating spec to the point where it's clear they don't want the clamps to ever come on during normal operation. This is not a place you want to guess what you can get away with.

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