Electronic – Does frequency need to be an integer in order for a signal to be periodic

signalsignal processing

Please help me understand periodicity. Why can \$T=\frac{1}{3}\$ be periodic but \$T=\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\$ be aperiodic?

For example:

$$\cos(2\pi\times 3\times n) \Rightarrow \mathrm{periodic}$$

$$\cos(2\pi\times\sqrt{3}\times n) \Rightarrow \mathrm{aperiodic}$$

I understand that in order for a signal to be periodic, \$f=\frac{k}{n}\$ (frequency must be rational), but why is \$f=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{1}\$ not considered to be periodic?

Is it because \$\sqrt{3}=1.73205…\$ is not an integer?

Best Answer

It's sort-of a semantic issue, while:

$$ x[n] = \cos(2 \pi 3 n) $$

is clearly periodic with period of 1, the other discrete-time signal

$$ y[n] = \cos(2 \pi \sqrt{3} n) $$

is not periodic. There is no integer \$N\$ such that \$y[n+N]=y[n] \quad \forall n \$. While \$y[n]\$ is not periodic, the continuous-time counterpart to it

$$ y(t) = \cos(2 \pi \sqrt{3} t) $$

is periodic because there is a real value \$T\$ such that \$y(t+T)=y(t) \quad \forall t \$.