Electronic – Does polarity matter for a DC rechargable battery


I have a handheld wireless rechargable mini-vac (like a Dustbuster). The charger outputs 19V DC 150mA.

My cat chewed through both wires on the adaptor. Both wires are completely black with nothing to indicate what's positive/negative. The plug and the barrel jack/coax connector both solid moulded plastic with no clues either. I've spliced them back together but does the polarity of the wires matter?

I vaguely remember from physics at school that if you reverse connections to an electric motor it spins in the other direction. In this case, would it force the vacuum's battery to discharge and then not charge? Or damage the vac altogether?

Does it matter or should I just buy a new adaptor?

Best Answer

Absolutely YES ...the polarity does matter.

Even though your cable ma not indicate any difference in the wires, your power supply should have an indication.

Most labels show the polarity of the pin and body of the plug:

Here's one for the Dustbuster power supply:

enter image description here

Here I shows the central pin as the positive terminal.
If there is no indication on the wire to help you will need a multimeter to ascertain which wire goes to the pin on your cable end ….and measure the two wires from the power supply to ascertain which one is positive.

Most devices include reverse voltage protection since it's easy for users to use the wrong power supply, but it's anyone's guess as to whether your device is protected.
If you don't have a multimeter ….they are dirt cheap, so get one.