Electronic – Does the Commutator of a brushed DC motor cause inductive kickback


I'm new to electricity.

Textbooks on brushed DC motor talk about inductive kickback when we DISCONNECT the power supply from the motor (and the stuff to protect against it e.g. by adding a diode/snubber). While when a motor is operating, only back emf caused by the rotation matters.

But from what I observe, isn't the commutator of a brushed DC Motor already functions as an on/off switch that keeps turning on/off the current from the winding? Shouldn't there be some inductive kickback due to sudden removal of current from the winding when commutator switches current direction? Instead of when turning off the power switch, does the inductive kickback issue matter when a dc motor is connected to a power supply and rotating? If yes, what kind of protection is required in the power supply circuit?

Textbooks always model a dc motor's equivalent circuit as 3 electrical components: inductor + resistor + back emf source. Why there is nothing related to inductive kickback caused by the commutator?

Best Answer

Yes, a mechanical commutator causes inductive kickback when switching off the current in a winding.

However, this kickback isn't in a place where it can hurt your circuit. Think about it. If the kickback results in high enough voltage to arc across the contacts (which almost certainly happens when the contacts initially separate), then from the circuit's point of view the contacts are still closed, maybe just with some extra resistance in series.

The problem with inductive kickback due to mechanical commutation isn't damage to your circuit, but lots of nasty voltage spikes that radiate interference. This is a nasty problem because it's hard to add snubbers in the right place. These would have to be across the rotating coils. That is done sometimes, but is not a easy mechanical problem due to the potentially high forces from the rotation.