Electronic – Why does the crystal resonate at 4 times the specified frequency


I have been experimenting with oscillators this week. And building a computer clock. I got two crystals, one at 2 MHz another at 4 MHz.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

everything is super simple. As soon as I stick that crystal in, it starts oscillating.

But, when I measure the frequency with my oscilloscope, I get 8 MHz instead of that specified 2 MHz. And I don't understand why?

Here is the proof. My test circuit:
breadboard experiment

Here is the scope at 0.1 μs per division. Upper wave is the output of inverter 2, the lower wave is from the additional inverter after that.
oscilloscope showing 4 periods in 5 horizontal divisions

Clearly it's 4 periods in 5 divisions and 8 in 10 divisions, so 8 in 1 μs, obviously f = 8 MHz, or T = 125 ns.

How come? When I stick in the "4.000 MHz" crystal, I get double the frequency, so 16 MHz.

I thought that perhaps there is something wrong about this inverter circuit, but I tried 74LS326 and 74LS629 integrated oscillators with those same crystals and I'm getting the same 8 MHz for the "2.000 MHz" crystal.

How can that be?

Finally proof of my oscilloscope setting, and it's not off. When I measure 1 kHz audio waves they sound like 1 kHz and not 250 Hz, so my scope is not off by a factor of 4. [EDIT: this might have not have been true after all.]

enter image description here

Best Answer

This answer is actually @glen_geek's who commented on Jun 21 at 1:23:

That upper right knob "VARIABLE" looks rotated counter-clockwise. Should be turned clockwise to the "CAL" position.

and it is true. I have no idea why I didn't notice the discrepancy, I should have heard that 440 Hz is nothing like the tune fork and the 1 kHz of which I spoke was nothing at all like a high C. All my frequency measurements were 8-fold too high because of that variable knob.

And this also proves that this super-simple oscillator circuit with simply those 2 inverters is working well and reliable.

If Glen Geek @glen_geek wants the reputation I encourage him to put the answer up so I can accept it.