Electronic – “Drawing” signals with antenna


Can you produce max waves, adding them, creating massive spikes like it showed in this video with water, but with multi antennas. Can you do this with electromagnetic wave in air with some complex mathematics, if you can, how can you measure it? I am only interested, if you can create massive wave, spike shown in minute 2:50-3:10 and if you can capture it? Can you create this massive "spike" anywhere in space? Is this even possible, does anyone know if someone already done this?


Best Answer

The idea you are referring to is know as beam forming. Some high end WiFi routers have been using it for several years now. The idea is by transmitting the same signal from multiple antennas (usually 4) and imposing different delays on 3 of them the signal forms paths of interference. Some being destructive and some being constructive. By pointing a channel of constructive interference in the direction of a client (a laptop for example) the signal strength is boosted in that direction.

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