Electronic – EEPROM page size


I have an M24C01-x EEPROM (1 KBit in size) driven by an STM32. The datasheet doesn't make it clear what the page size of that EEPROM is. I require it to properly configure the STM32 EEPROM driver.

How can I calculate/know the page size of the M24C01-x?

Best Answer

The page size is 16 bytes, as stated in the datasheet.

The Page Write mode allows up to 16 bytes to be written in a single Write cycle, provided that they are all located in the same page in the memory: that is, the most significant memory address bits are the same. If more bytes are sent than will fit up to the end of the page, a condition known as ‘roll-over’ occurs. This should be avoided, as data starts to become overwritten in an implementation dependent way.

Page 14.

So your 1KBit memory has 8 pages, each 16 bytes in size.