Electronic – Electronic toggle switch

switchestoggle switch

Lets say I have a switch with the usual 2 connections + and – I want when the switch if off (power doesnt pass) the circut to close with output wire 1 and when the switch is on(power passes) the circut to open with wire 1 and to close with wire 2 thus changing the output wire.

I tried a few ideas I had with transistors but didnt work out.What is the best way to make one of those?

Best Answer

If it's a "reed switch" you're talking about, they do indeed exist in SPDT form, though they're not as common as SPST N.O.. Also in SPST N.C. (normally closed) form. For example:

enter image description here

If you want to reverse the action of a SPST N.O. switch, you may be able to do something like this:

In the case of the BJT, make Rx about 10-20 times RL. In the case of the MOSFET, make Rx a few K ohms.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab