Electronic – Emitter current and Early effect


I know that due to Early effect in a npn transistor the effective base width reduces.However I can't understand how this will lead to an increase in emitter current.
Some sources say that the charge concentration gradient increases due to this Early effect and hence the increase in emitter current but how can the charge gradient increase since that is determined by doping.
. Can any one please explain it then.
Any help will be appreciated
Thank you.

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Best Answer

following up on comment of "LvW", the mechanism would predict the highest_Beta transistors will have the least Early Effect (have the flattest I_out).

And because there is a small region of bulk silicon between the base contact for metal and the actual base region that is sandwiched between emitter and collector, with the Ibase * R_bulk_base == voltage varying as Ibase varies, it sees the LOWER NOISE transistors (which have lower R_bulk_base) will have lower Early Effect.

I realize the parameters we use are Abstractions, are parts of modeling.

SUMMARY: I'm thinking high_beta low_noise transistors will be the best current sources.