Electronic – Equivalent Simplified Capacitor circuit


Capacitor Circuit

Schematic created using Multisim

I'm trying to find the equivalent capacitance for the above diagram between nodes b and c but I'm having a lot of trouble understanding which capacitor is in series/parallel to which capacitor.

I know these equations:

Capacitors in series:

enter image description here

Capacitors in parallel:

enter image description here

From looking at the circuit I believe C4 and C3 are in series same as C1 and C2

Would the resulting two equivalent capacitors C4,3 and C1,2 then be parallel with C5 and C6 respectively?

Best Answer

Here is some 'simplification of the circuit'
That is the first simplification.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

The second simplification


simulate this circuit

The furthest simplification, assuming C1/C4=C2/C3


simulate this circuit

Here are the results C1+C4=C3+C2=C/2

nodes BC= C6+2*(C/2)=C+C=2C

I think I have drawn the circuit correctly. Read this for more information on circuits like these.