Electronic – ESP8266 (Wemos D1 mini) analog thermistor


I'm trying to connect my floor heating thermistor (NTC) to ESP8266 (at Wemos D1 mini board). But I'm unable to get good results.

I get an approximation formula from this table (after I input my values in). calculation table

But I get 41°C (should be around 24) what is really not even close. So what could be bad?

My candidates for bug are:

  1. I use 230k Ohm at 25°C in the table to calculate formula (10k
    thermistor+220k voltage divider)
  2. I use 3.3V as the supply for NTC but wemos D1 A0 is maxed 3.2V (but how to fix it?)

enter image description here

Best Answer

Ok, the solution is quite simple (in my first schema I forget to add a resistor between A0 and GND) but I decided to replace 10k resistor with 20k trim pot so I can adjust to exact value). I hope this will help someone.

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