Electronic – ESP8266 Wifi Module – prints “ready” but not responding to AT commands

at commandsesp8266wifi

Just received my first ESP8266 wifi module with some excitement. However I've been unable to fully communicate with it. I have connected the module to my computer via a usb to serial cable and I'm power the module via a separate power supply (3.3v).

After powering the module up I receive the following information (via PuTTY or and Arduino serial monitor window):

[Vendor:www.ai-thinker.com Version:]


I have tried sending various AT commands e.g.


But I get no response. Using ctrl+m and ctrl+j in putty didn't help either.

Please see my youtube video if its helpful:

Best Answer

Thanks for all your help. The solution was modify the line ending option at the bottom of the Arduino serial console to send both CR and LF. Still not got PuTTY configured but have something to test now. Thanks :)