Electronic – Exceeding _Enable input voltage_ of optocoupler


I have microcontoller board with following optocoupler interface

Optocoupler interface

which is obviously made for input up to 5V. Based on datasheet I found, Vf = 1.5 V and If = 15 mA (whereby recommended range is from 0.3 mA up to 10 mA). On page 10, they say that

Enable input voltage (Not to Exceed Vcc by more then 500mV): Max: Vcc + 0.5 V

My question is, if I replace R17 with higher resistance resistor (i.e. 2.4 kOhms) I am still not allowed to connect 24V on OCVCC? With higher resistor, I can limit current through optocoupler, but wouldn't it still exceed Max. enable input voltage? Or will such high resistor cause voltage drop?

BTW, I am amateur doing microcontoller just for fun. If I am asking stupid question, I apologize in advance!

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

On the first page of the datasheet, you can see the following diagram. Enable pin has nothing to do with the LED. You can have any voltage on the connectors, as long as you don't exceed the maximum LED current.


At 24V and with a 2.4k resistor, you would have If = (24-1.5)/2400 = 9.375mA. I wouldn't set it so high for extended periods of time, but it is within the limits.