Electronic – Explain kirchoff’s law in Plain English


I'm having trouble in explaining kirchoff's laws to my cousin who is studying in first year Engineering.
Can somebody explain me in simple plain english.
Thank you very much in advance 🙂

Best Answer

Kirchhoff's current law (KCL): the sum of the currents in a node is zero.


Say you have 5 wires coming together in a node as shown, and \$I_1\$, \$I_3\$ and \$I_4\$ supply current to the node. This current has to go somewhere, and will go from the node by \$I_2\$ and \$I_5\$:

\$ I_2 + I_5 = I_1 + I_3 + I_4 \$

such that

\$ I_1 - I_2 + I_3 + I_4 - I_5 = 0 \$

(The minus signs for \$I_2\$ and \$I_5\$ are due to the reversed arrows for those currents.)

A more general form of KCL says that the current entering a closed boundary is equal to the current leaving it:

enter image description here

Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL): the sum of the voltages in a closed circuit is zero. If you have a circuit consisting of a battery and a resistor as a load then the voltage over the resistor is \$\mathrm{-V_{bat}}\$ (the minus sign means that if you go clockwise through your circuit you go from \$-\$ to \$+\$ for the battery, but from \$+\$ to \$-\$ for the resistor).

Total voltage: \$\mathrm{+V_{bat} - V_{bat} = 0}\$.

This goes for every closed loop path you can find in a design, no matter how complicated and how many branches there are.

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