Logic Gates – Explain This Schematic for Piezo Transducer


I am taking apart this non-invasive blood pressure monitor to see how it works. The engineer decided to use (what looks like a piezo-electric element to measure the relative pressure from the cuff, only I cannot decipher the circuit and how it works. It appears to be using a quad NOR gate to amplify the signal before it is sent to the MCU. The question I have is how is it able to measure the exact pressure from the cuff when NOR gates output digital signals?

Attached are photos and schematics.

circuit board

Best Answer

The diaphragm is a variable capacitor. The resistor feedback (three sections of NOR, U3 output to U1 input) acts to bias the gates as a linear amplifier cascade. I think you are looking at a capacitive barometer sensor, possibly with oscillation frequency dependent on pressure. It might also be a nonoscillating amplifier, which would be useful as a stethoscope (blood pressure is usually measured with a pressure gage and a stethoscope).

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