Electronic – Explaining high voltage inverter principle (KIKUSUI COS5020 oscilloscope)


I'm trying to fix KIKUSUI COS5020 oscilloscope HV part. Here is the schematic part:

enter image description here

Failed parts were: transistor Q651, capacitor C655. At high temperature were resistor R657 and inductor L650 (both not damaged completely). I have replaced them, also U651. T651 seems to be ok – tested. But the schematic still doesn't work. Can someone explain the working principle of this inverter?

DC at J-32 is about 18V as should be.

Q651 transistor voltages:
B 1,28V
C 17,6V
E 0,73V

Best Answer

  • This is a positive feedback oscillator with inverted polarity current injected in to the base. The transformer inductance and Cap C654 determine the resonant frequency.
  • The 18V supply current is limited if Q651 fails with a short circuit by R657 and is filtered by L650 and C635.

  • The failure suggests an excessive load current condition caused C635 to fail open with excess ripple current heat loss and thermal rise and Q651 to fail in short cct mode.

    • Ensure a low ESR cap is used to replace C654.
  • check U651 output is not low (<1V) causing CR651 to conduct and suppress the feedback.
  • This Op Amp uses the scaled output HV by R divider in a DC loop to regulate the HVDC out. (TP = estimate -2kV to -3kV)
  • even though it appears to be a +ve feedback loop, the +ve diode clamp voltage doubler produces a -ve DC out thus making the loop negative feedback.