Electronic – Exporting particular data points of simulations from ltspice


The simulation does repeated analysis with a parameters which grows at each new analysis. For each of those analysis which depends only on the value of the parameter which is growing, I would like to export 1 point at a certain time t0. The goal is just to see how evolve the point in function of the parameter which is growing. Does I need to export the data from LTspice ? And how can I specify when (at t0) I want to export the point ? Or is it possible to see it on LTspice ? Otherwise is it possible to export each all datas of each analysis ? I could do a post treatment of the overall datas.

Thank you very much !

Best Answer

You can use the .meas commands for that. Suppose V(x) is the waveform of interest, and you're interested in time=1m:

.meas tmp param V(x) at 1m

After the simulation is done, activate the schematic window and press Ctrl+L to bring up the error log. Right-click inside it and choose Plot .step'ed .meas data. The newly opened window will have the variation of the voltage as the parameter was changed. Here's an example:


If you need exporting, right-click inside the .meas plot window and then, from the File > Export data as text.