Electronic – Extended Instruction Set mode for PIC18F with Hi-Tech Compiler


I'm writing some firmware for a PIC18F6622 microcontroller. I use MPLAB IDE 8.73 + HI-TECH C Compiler for PIC18 MCUs (PRO) 9.66.
When I set the XINST (Extended Instruction Set enable bit), the IDE gives me this warning:
enter image description here

What settings should I do to be able to use the PIC's Extended Instruction Set?

Just found on the net: 'If set (the EXTENDED INSTRUCTION flag), your program (or your compiler) must take it into account to use the correct addressing methods'. But what does that really mean?

Best Answer

IIRC, there is a setting the compiler options to tell it to use the extended set. Try setting this and it should stop complaining.

Edit - the above will work for C18, but apparently Hi-Tech does not support the extended set, according to this