Electronic – FCC certification for nrf24l01+


Is nrf24l01+ from Nordic Semiconductors FCC certified ? It is hard to find out from their datasheet whether FCC approved ?
Is it FCC approved ?

If it is approved and I use it in my PCB and control it via my ARM cortex processor, do I need to get the entire PCB board FCC approved ?

Also, I am using sierrra wireless HL series modem chip which is FCC approved. This will also be on my PCB. So, do I have to get my PCB FCC approved again although my modem is FCC approved ?

Best Answer

The nrf24l01+ is an IC. The FCC does not certify IC's. If you search around, you can probably find an FCC approve module that uses that particular IC. For small quantities, this may be a very cost effective way to go until FCC certification is in your budget.