Electronic – Find the resistor’s value


I have bought some resistors and I am trying to find their value. The thing is that in class they taught us that you use the gold strip to find which is the right side at first and then you check the other colours strips. The thing is that the resistors I got don't have a gold strip and they have more "other-colour" strips. I have searched in google extensively and also in this site (having found relevant questions) and I have found that resistors come in different styles but I have not found how to "translate" them in their value. Also most sites are calculators to put the colours and calculate the value but I don't know which is the side with which I must begin. These are some of my resistors:

enter image description here

There is this post but these resistors begin with same colour in both sides.

How do I find their value?

Best Answer

The trick here is to look at the spacing. It's subtle, but when you know what to look for it's obvious.

The right-hand band of the top resistor has a slightly wider space infront of it. That's the % band.

So you have Brown Black Black Silver, at Brown %, which is

100×10-2Ω at 1%. (1Ω±1%)

The bottom one, the left hand band has a slightly wider space. That's the % band. As I say, subtle differences. The top one is more obvious than the bottom one.

So you have Brown Black Black Brown at Brown %, which is

100×101Ω at 1%. (1kΩ±1%)