Electronic fuse


I teach electrochemistry to students in chemistry. During each class, there is at least one student that manages to burn the 200mA fuse of our $15 multimeters.

It's quite annoying. I am thinking of replacing the wire fuses by electronic ones. The kind that resets itself automatically after a short time.

I know I won't find any electronic fuse that will fit the multimeter, but I am prepared to solder & add wires to fit everything in place.

However, I don't know how to select the fuse. The original piece is rated 500 V ; 200 mA.

Is there anything I need to consider prior to replacing 40+ multimeter fises with electronic ones ?
Do you have any part number / manufacturer to recommend ?

Best Answer

If they are only working with voltages up to ~ 3 V, you could replace the fuse with a resistor. Say you want to limit current to 200 mA @ 3 V -- that gives about 15 ohm resistance. At the 20 mA, that will increase the DMM burden by about 0.3 V which may or may not be a problem.

3 V & 200 mA == 0.6 W -- use a 1 W resistor if you can find it.

Note that this won't protect if the meter is plugged into the mains (110 V or 220 VAC), and in fact would be dangerous.

Alternatively you could use a polyfuse polyfuse-- these are low R when cold and increase to higher values when hot -- however neither are these robust to protect against plugging into the mains.