Electronic – Generic method for implementing if-else statement in hardware (using gates,mux-demux,flip flops ) etc


I am currently working on converting a high level language into an equivalent circuit.. I am able to convert simple expressions like a+b, a.b or a combination of them using gates. But I wanted to know if there's a generic method to implement if-else statement using electronic components such as gates, mux, ff. A simple answer would be to use mux-demux. But that wouldn't solve the following problem(for example)



The construct for that would be positive edge triggered flip flop. So is there any general way to implement if-else statement?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Best Answer

For combinational logic, if/else is implemented as a 2:1 multiplexer. In Boolean algebra, this would be:

Q = (A * S) + (B * S')


  • S is the input fed by the if condition,
  • A is the input fed by the then subexpression,
  • B is the input fed by the else subexpression, and
  • Q is the output of the expression.

You could theoretically generalize this to include a single clock edge, but it gets a lot more complex and would resemble an FPGA cell when you're done. Basically, if a clock edge were included, you could not have an else clause (because it is implicitly "do not change the output"), and any non-edge parts of the if condition would simply become the clock enable expression. Once the dust settled, you'd be left with a less-clear version of the always_ff statement, which you should use instead anyway.

Conditions with two or more clock edges are not synthesizable.

EDIT: First, I'm not sure if(posedge(...)) is synthesizable. In general, you use the posedge(...) clause in the always_ff @(...) line and don't need the posedge() inside the block.

In SystemVerilog, the generic form of a 2:1 multiplexer is an if statement. For example:

always_comb begin
        Q = A;
        Q = B;

If there's a clock edge, though, you need to use a flip-flop:

always_ff @(posedge CLK) begin
        Q <= D;

Adding an asynchronous reset looks like this:

always_ff @(posedge RESET, posedge CLK) begin
        Q <= '0;
    else if(CLK_ENA)
        Q <= D;

In this case, RESET is active-high. Note that you only need to say RESET is edge sensitive in the @() part. In the rest of the block, RESET will have the level after the edge. Also note that the edge-sensitivities are a list; you can't say "and". (In original Verilog, you separated edge sensitivities with "or", misleading people into thinking "and" could work as well.)