Electronic – Gerber to DXF converter


What's a good utility to convert gerbers to DXF/DWG?

The reason I ask: I'd like to create gerbers to give to mechanical engineers for use in SolidWorks to look for interference due to solder fillets on pads and other interferences. I'm using PADS Layout and it has a DXF export but the output is messy and the export utility offers few options to control the DXF output.

A gerber to DXF conversion utility could provide enough flexibility and control what goes into the DXF.

I'd welcome insights or suggestions to close the EE / ME gap – methods to get realistic models of PCBs into 3D cad.

Meanwhile, I'll try a free trial of ViewMate Pro.

Best Answer

Another answer suggested an excellent solution for:

those who looking free way to convert gerber to dxf can try gerbv and pstoedit

install gerbv and pstoedit first convert your gerber to ps through gerbv and >then using pstoedit export it to dxf

gerbv -x ps mygerber.GTS  
pstoedit -f dxf output.ps mydxf.dxf  

remember pstoedit need ghostscript to work

But an important improvement to the pstoedit is to add the -mm option so that the file generated will be in mm and not in pxls. In my case I made it into a ps2dxf.BAT file that is:

pstoedit -f dxf:-mm %1.ps %1.dxf

and a name.ps file is converted with: ps2dxf name