Electronic – Germanium transistor in high voltage

high voltage

I want to make one of those circuits
using an old PNP germanium transistor (2SB175)
what values of resistors should I chose and which circuit is good ? , if the circuits are bad, is there any better arc generator (hv) circuit using this transistor (2SB175) ?

Could anyone please help me.

high voltage circuit 1
high voltage circuit 2

2SB175 PNP transistor

Best Answer

the transistor of 2sb175 is poor transistor it is a signal transistor vce=30v, ic=100mA

But the 2n3055 is a power transistor: vce=60v, ic=15A and it support a high current to diver a good current to supply the primary of step up transformer to generate a high voltge at the secondery coil

from this point you can't replace 2n3055 by 2sb175

if you want to make this circuit just buy a 2N3055

if you want to make this circuit with PNP power transistor just invert the power supply