Electronic – Getting +/- voltage from a benchtop power supply

groundpower supply

I have this benchtop PSU which I got from some dude on Craigslist:

enter image description here

I need to power a circuit that requires +12v, -12v, and a ground reference. Currently the way I do it is to use one channel of the power supply to provide 24v, and use a simple voltage divider on a breadboard to provide a fake ground. But that is not a very good long-term solution.

I figured I could get a -12v out of the second PSU channel by just hooking up + and – backwards. Would that work? How would I make a ground in that case?

Best Answer

Your power supply unit contains 2 independent power supplies. Each one has a ground, + and - terminals. To get +12 volts from one, connect the ground and - terminals together and then hook the + terminal to where your circuit needs +12 volts and hook the - terminal to where your circuit needs the +12 volt return. On the 2nd power supply on your unit, connect the ground terminal to the + terminal. Now connect the - terminal to where your circuit needs -12 volts and hook the + terminal to where your circuit needs the -12 volt return. If you set your supply unit to the master/slave mode, then you need only adjust the master supply to 12 volts and the other (slave) supply will automatically follow. Otherwise, you can set them separately if you prefer.