Electronic – GPS performance issues with PCB layout with patch antenna


I am having trouble with the reception of my GPS module – a Quectel L76L. I am connecting the Antenna via a U.Fl connector. I know that the issue is somehow due to my layout because it works on a breakout board that I purchased (which used a chip antenna), but not the PCB I made. I’ve tried a whole bunch of things but none seem to work well. It takes well over 10 minutes to get fixed, and another 10 – infinity minutes to get readings. something is definitely not right.

Things I’ve kept in mind:

  • Transmission line – keeping the trace length below .25in
  • Vias – both many vids all around the signal for the coplanar waveguide and more sparse.
  • Trace width – I’ve used the calculated 50 ohm impedance of 42.2 mil and the 35 mil width that the GPS spec sheet recommends – Since the trace width is larger than the pad, which width should I use? I saw a video recommend to use a trace width as large as possible to match the chip’s pad (this would be 31 mil).
  • Using active antenna, so I am using a 10Ohm resistor and a 47nF inductor

Please see the layout below that did not work.. is there anything wrong that is glaringly obvious? Is it okay that I put the inductor pad on the micro strip?

no polygon pour
non working layout

Also, please see this design which I plan to send in for FAB. On this one I brought the antenna way closer to the GPS unit, I reduced the trace width to match the pad width of the GPS unit (31 mil), and added a bunch of bias that are a bit bigger. I also added a passthrough capacitor.

New Design
enter image description here

Does this design look like it will work? After about 6 iterations, I am at a loss of what could be the issue… Any advice will be much appreciated.

Best Answer

I got the board and what I think ended up making the biggest difference was actually just a bigger patch antenna. I think all my models actually worked in the end, just not very well with those tiny 10mm x 10mm antennas (suggests my design could still be better).