Electronic – GPS Suggestions


I have decided to play in the world of GPS modules. I have read the GPS Buying Guide from Sparkfun, but still am not sure which unit I want to go with. I am leaning toward the LS20031, do any of you have any experience with GPS modules? Any advice you would like to add to the chiphacker community?

Best Answer

I recently purchased a couple of GPS modules for a project I'm working on. You didn't specifically mention Arduino, but I bought the GPS logger shield from Adafruit with an EM-406a module. I'm not using an Arduino, but I figured it was a compact solution that had two things I wanted (GPS and removable storage). The EM-406a had no problems getting a satellite lock inside my office. I also got the Copernicus DIP Module from Sparkfun so I could breadboard with it. No problems so far - just read the datasheet and remember to pull XRESET and XSTANDBY high.