Electronic – Ground pour underneath an MCU


I am working an ATmega32u4 based custom board.
I think I am done with majority of the routing. Now I need to work on the proper shielding of EMF. So I began putting ground pour on the top plane.

Now the question is, I have a couple ground traces (in blue) on the bottom layer, and was wondering if I should also have a ground pour on the bottom layer too?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Ground pour on the top layer is not really doing much. Having a ground pour on the top would make make sense if you didnt have a ground plane on the bottom. So definitely add a ground plane on the bottom and try and keep all routing on the top.

What I would do is have a power pour on the top, and a solid ground plane on the bottom. Now all your return currents have somewhere to go won't fringe across gaps or over other traces.

The ground pour on the top layer (under the microcontroller) does nothing. It has no harm, but it really doesn't have a benefit either (assuming you have a ground plane).