Electronic – Half Wave Voltage Doubler Simulation stuck


I'm trying to simulate the following circuit on LTSpice


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

The capacitors have 10Meg Parallel Resistance

.model D_ideal D(Ron=0.1n Roff=10Meg Vfwd=0.7)

And I'm using a voltage switch and a diode for my SCR model:

S1 3 1 2 0 VSW
D1 3 4 D_ideal 
.MODEL VSW SW(RON=0.1n  ROFF = 10Meg VT = 1 VH = 0)
.model D_ideal D(Ron=0.1n Roff=10Meg Vfwd=0.7)

When CHRG turns off the SCR my simulation gets stuck.

Any insights?

Best Answer

The most likely culprit I see is the switch who doesn't use negative histeresys, as recommended by the manual. Positive and/or no histeresys makes it switch abruptly between the on/off resistances, while a negative histeresys will allow a smooth transition, thus allowing the solver pass the hops with elegance and dignity.

For the ideal diode you could try adding epsilon=100m revepsilon=50m, they set the quadratic region of the I-V curve's "knee". Also, the dynamic resistances you chose for the diode are quite far one from another (in orders of magnitude), which could pose problems. I think it's more than safe to choose Ron=1m Roff=1Meg.