Electronic – Has anyone programmed ATmega8A using USBasp


I have failed to program ATmega8A using USBasp. I am sure that the wiring is ok. I have programmed an ATtiny13A several times with the same USBasp. However, no luck with the ATmega8A. This is the error avrdude shows-

avrdude.exe: error: programm enable: target doesn't answer. 1 
avrdude.exe: initialization failed, rc=-1    
             Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override this check.

I tested without the microcontroller connected and found the same error. Which means I have broken connection. I don’t think so.

Is there any possible reason avrdude shows this error without broken connection?

Best Answer

Your setup might just be flawed.

I have programmed not specifically the ATmega8, but I have done an ATmega16 which is the same process. I note the article on my website which has been used by many.

At one point in the article I list a command:

-c usbasp -p atmega16 -B12 -U flash:w:"$(ProjectDir)Debug\$(ItemFileName).hex":i

You will change this to

-c usbasp -p atmega8 -B12 -U flash:w:"$(ProjectDir)Debug\$(ItemFileName).hex":i