Electronic – Help ID maker of huge film cap, 50mm x 35mm x 24mm — AD 256K 250V MP


I just pulled this thing from a large board, I think it's part of an inverter.
The board also has a huge CM choke, 8 IRF260N and other fets. No manufacter shown. This thing was part of the input filter it looks like, there are two screw terminals for the input.

Here is a picture. The "256 250V MP" plus the makers logo are the only markings. Size is 50 x 35 x 24 mm.

I've spent more than 30 mins doing the Google thing, looking at more than 10 pages of various logos. Did I somehow miss it, or was it a rare company?
Who made this??

Ok, I know it's a 25uF 250V metalized paper capacitor, I would like to find out who made it. I have seen none this big with this small a value.

[![US penny for scale1: https://i.stack.imgur.com/2NZFF.jpg
US penny for scale of lettering

Best Answer

Who makes it? Most likely a company called XN QJALYCY

Here is a cap with an AD marking on it also, they say the brand name is XN QJALYCY, which won't help you much unless you know what the chinese equivalent for it is.

enter image description here Source: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32380263065.html