Electronic – Help identifying a varistor


Need help identifying a component that I think is a varistor. It is burnt so it appears black. The circuit is part of a control module for the headlights and keyless entry on a Lincoln. I want to replace the part but can't seem to identify it's value so I can match it up. enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

The color is too even for it to be a result of getting burned. It looks to me like that's its natural gray color.

It could be a MOV (metal oxide varistor), but other component types are possible too. The lead going diagonally across the face makes MOV the most likely.

The bottom line of text indicates it was made by TDK. Look around at likely parts on their web site. If that doesn't work after a reasonable effort, email a picture of the part to their tech support. They should be able to identify it.


Now that you've shown a picture of the board, we can see that the part designator is MOV1. That removes any doubt about it being a MOV.