Electronic – Help identifying a varistor


Hi I am trying to identify what I think is a varistor. The problem I am having is the markings, other than the voltage don't seem to corrolate with anything. So I'm not sure if it is a varistor or if it just has obscure markings.
The markings are :
I know the k385 is the voltage from what I can find, but have no idea what the current is or what part number it matches up with. It's currently part of the 12v input on an electric fence energiser.

enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

That looks like the TDK-EPCOS logo (found on a Google image search for "varistor logo"). They happen to make varistors which makes it even more plausible.

enter image description here

Why is your sample stuck in a tortilla? I can see the herbs.

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