Electronic – High-Level Synthesis (HLS) vs RTL for ASIC flow


I'd like to know when it's a good idea to use HLS over RTL (Verilog/VHDL) design if I'm targetting ASIC implementation? Can synthesis tools like Design Compiler convert HLS C/C++ into gate-level netlist, or is there a specific HLS synthesis tool? and how efficient is ASIC flow for HLS compared to RTL in terms of clock freq., area, and power? Does HLS C/C++ development really save the design time compared to RTL ?


Best Answer

Most toolchain manufacturers offer some form or other for HLS synthesis. But how good that is will depend highly on how much you pay. The cheap ones will, well, be cheap. And non-cheap means you pay a substantial amount of money every year for the tool. For most companies, it is thus more cost efficient to use people for HLS synthesis than paying for some tool.

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