Electronic – High Power RF Detector Circuit


I was tasked to work on an 'RF Detector Circuit' for work. The circuit has an input RF power of 72 Watts at a 7.5GHz frequency through an 8mm wire. It's supposes to reduce that power and voltage, and be able to illuminate an LED. For the LED I was told to use a Lumex SML LX3939WWC-TR, Schottky power diodes, BZX55C9V5 for the zeners and 10W caps. The circuit I was instructed to use is attached below.

It's been years since I've played with circuits and I can't remember how to be able to pick appropriate values for the resistors and caps to be able to couple to the input specs. This is not my primary job either, just something I was tasked with on the side. Any resources pointing me to the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Detector Circuit

Best Answer

First of all, that circuit is rubbish. The LED will never light up.

I assume that your "8mm wire" is in fact a quarter-wave monopole antenna. As such, it will have a feed-point impedance of about 36Ω. From this, you can calculate the voltage and current available:

$$V_{RMS} = \sqrt{P \cdot R} = 51V$$

$$I_{RMS} = \sqrt{P / R} = 1.4A$$

You're going to have to set up a power divider so that only about 1/3600 of this power goes through the LED.