Electronic – How is this BJT in saturation


I simulated this circuit using Qucs:

With Vin = 5V, VB = 0.746V and VC = 0.024V which means that the BJT is operating in the saturation region.
But I don't understand why. Vcc = 5V and Vin = 5V. RB = RC = 1k ohm. So I expect that VB = VC and the base-collector junction is reverse biased which means that the BJT is in the forward-active region.
What is the wrong with my analysis? and is there a "trick" that I can use to determine the mode of operation of a BJT?

Best Answer

In saturation you'll have \$I_c < \beta I_b \$. So calculate \$I_b\$ as (5-0.7)/1k=4.3mA. Assuming beta of 100 (or even 10), you'll have an \$\beta I_b\$ in the 43-430mA range. But through the collector you can only have at most 5mA due to \$R_c\$ limiting the current. So the transistor is in saturation.