Electronic – How should chips with pins on bottom be drawn


When you are drawing a schematic for an IC, and there are pins in the bottom center (in my case I am drawing for the BGM13S32F512GA-V2R), how should they be drawn?

I have looked into some beginner tutorials, but everything I've found uses ICs with pins along the side only. I am using OrCAD Capture.

I have also heard a debate between whether you draw the schematic based on the datasheet, or you draw it based on how the pins are used (GND on bottom, VCC on top, everything else on sides… or however).

Best Answer

I'll start by answering your second question. Generally you should place pins in your schematic symbol so that it produces the neatest schematic possible. Usually this means power on the top, ground on the bottom, inputs on the left, and outputs on the right.

I generally place the pin for the bottom pad logically based on its function. 9 times out of 10 the pad will be for ground, so I generally place it at the bottom of my schematic component. If it's used for the supply, I put it at the top. Simply put, just place it in the most logical location that will make your schematic cleanest and easiest to follow (usually this means minimizing wire lengths, and following the "signal flow direction").