Electronic – How should I use a static-shielding bag prior to opening, and why


After grounding the ESD mat and wearing the properly grounded anti-static wrist strap, what is the correct process to take the contents out of the static-shielding bag and take it onto the antistatic work surface (ESD mat) and why?

(The content of the bag I have in mind is a pcb, in specific a single-board computer).

Best Answer

Antistatic precautions mean you should never move a device through a large potential difference.

Once you and the ESD mat are connected to ground, they are at the same 0v potential. Take hold of the bag, this bring it and its contents to 0v. Now you can open the bag and handle the devices with anything that's also at 0v. This includes fingers, or conductive things you are holding. So metal tweezers, 'antistatic' pliers that have special conductive plastic handle covers, cotton gloves (which retain enough moisture to be slightly conductive) but NOT tools with insulating handle covers or plastic gloves.