Electronic – How to a synchronous motor have RPM other than 3000/3600


It is said, that synchronous motor is rotating at the same speed as magnetic field rotates. But three-phase made magnetic field rotates as the frequency of current, i.e. 50 or 60 times per second, which means 3000 or 3600 RPM.

How can synchronous machines on Aliexpress have other RPMs, like below?

enter image description here

There multiple of these, no any mistake expected. Many of them has 3 explicit inputs.


Sorry I agree that in slow RPMs reduction gears are most probable inside.

But can I be sure, that if motor is "synchronous", then magnetic field is rotating at 50/60 Hz and inner rotor is rotating at the same speed?

Best Answer

this motor has a reduction gear that slows it down, to 5 rpm at 50Hz or 6rpm at 60 Hz.

Actually the rotation speed of a synchronous motor in rpm is given by: $$\frac{2 \times 60 \times f} n$$ where
f = frequency (Hz)
n = number of poles.

The motor in your photo cannot have 1200 poles, so it surely has a stepdown gear.