How to Analyze the Biasing of the Output Stage in Amplifiers

bjtpower amplifierpush-pull

My textbook says that biasing current through Q8 and Q9 is about 20mA and through Q10 and Q11 about 100mA. How can I analyze the circuit to get these values with back-of-the-envelope calculations?

So far I only calculated that biasing voltage provided by Q5, R8 and R7 is 2V, but cannot get any further.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The truth is that it is impossible to tell/predict what current will flow without making a "big" error. There are far too many unknowns.

The wild guess for the drive stage will be \$ \frac{V_{BEQ10}}{R_{11}} \approx 20mA \$

I used Bob's Cordell models in LTspice and get these results: \$I_{CQ8} = 18.1mA\$ and the output stage current is \$20.5mA\$ and \$\textrm{Vbe}\$ multiplier (Q5) bias voltage equal to \$2.4V\$.

Of course, when you build the circuit in real life you will get completely different results. Because the output transistors will get hot and after some time they will reach the thermal equilibrium and the bias current will settle on the new value.

This is why in practice we adjust on the benchtop the \$R_7\$ resistor value to set the output stage bias current to the desired value after warming-up the amplifier.